About Homeopathy

When I am not busy helping my many clients, I like to take the time to share with you all the many aspects of Homeopathy through writing my blog posts. I hope you enjoy and find them insightful.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) makes it the second most common form of alternative medicine in the world after Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is an amazing system of natural healing and I have seen many so called “miracles” over time.

Have a look at this short animation about Homeopathy. It helps to explain what individualised homeopathic treatment is all about, and how it could be the safe, gentle and non-toxic healthcare choice you have been looking for.

Of course, this is a very simplified explanation – the theory and philosophy of homeopathy is far more complex. You can find out more on the British Homeopathic Association website by clicking the button below.

The Homeopathic Approach

Homeopathic medicine approaches disease and remedies from a totally different standpoint to conventional or “allopathic” medicine. It can be practised by qualified homeopaths and/or medical professionals including doctors, dentists and even veterinary surgeons, but it can also be safely used in the home. Many people already choose this approach for every-day family ailments such as cuts, stings, burns, bruises, stomach aches and many childhood complaints, with a homeopathic ‘first aid kit’ or remedies bought at health stores and homeopathic pharmacies.

Conventional or allopathic medicine works against the disease and its symptoms using “anti” drugs – you will be familiar with vocabulary which talks about ‘fighting’ disease or ‘killing’ pain. Using homoeopathy, by contrast, we are seeing the symptoms as the body’s attempt to heal itself – perhaps needing help, but of a gentle and supportive kind. Homeopathy treats an individual with a specific set of symptoms, rather than treating a disease.

Homeopathy may be used to treat the same wide range of illness as conventional medicine, and may even prove successful when all other forms of treatment have failed.

Is Homeopathy Safe?

Homeopathy cannot replace all other forms of healthcare, but can be used as the first treatment option in a wide range of conditions. It can also be used in a complementary way in other situations, for example, to support good recovery after operations.

Homeopathy does not interfere with conventional medicine and should be seen as a complementary treatment, not as an alternative. As your entire system gets stronger, you (and your doctor) may find that you don’t need your other medications and over time you might find that you can come off your medication if your doctor is fine with it. Please do not stop your medication without consulting your doctor first. 

Despite the differences in approach, homeopathic and conventional treatments can work very well alongside each other.

Homeopathic medicines are made from a very small amount of the active ingredient. Two hundred years of practice, research and trials have proved the safety of this gentle system of medicine for both people and animals. According to the WHO (World Health Organisation), Homeopathy is used by over 200 million people in the world. It is the fastest growing therapeutic system in the world.

Unlike some conventional drugs, homeopathic medicines are non-addictive and have NO dangerous side-effects. Homeopathy is a safe and gentle, natural medicine to use for babies, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women, who are under the supervision of a homeopath.

I am happy to give as much detail about your specific remedies and treatment as you wish so that you are able to also use the remedies for yourself and your family.

For serious conditions, professional advice from your GP should always be sought.

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