Why Do We Catch A Cold Or Flu?

It’s that time of year again when colds and flu are all around us.

Most health experts agree that the reason winter is “cold and flu season” is that we spend more time indoors, in closer contact with other people who can pass on their germs.

By improving personal hygiene, you can protect yourself from bacteria and viruses that are spread by touch, avoid direct physical contact such as kissing and shaking hands.

However, if for any reason, contact is unavoidable, make sure you wash your hands as soon as possible and resist touching your nose and face. Avoiding air-borne substances is much more difficult because of the close proximity of people to each other, particularly in the modern world. It is hardly practicable to walk around wearing a surgical face mask so therefore we must ourselves how the sufferer can help prevent the further spread of such a virus. One simple way is to ensure that rather than sneezing into the environment, whenever possible, you sneeze into a handkerchief or disposable tissue.

Many people associate cold weather with the common cold. While the weather is not directly responsible for making people sick, the viruses that cause colds may spread more easily in lower temperatures, and exposure to cold and dry air may adversely impact the body’s immune system.

How to determine a cold vs the flu


People with a cold will sneeze more often but not enough to be a reliable sign.


Many people catch the flu from sick people coughing and sneezing

Mostly Uncommon


High Probability

High Probability

Sore Throat

Not Common



High Probability

Not Usually



Minor Aches/Pains


Severe Aches/Pains

A Few Days


Very Quickly


Tired Feeling


Hacking with Mucus


Cough with Little Mucus

Usually Common

Clogged Nose

Not Common


Chest Discomfort


What causes the lowering of our immune system?

The short answer is many things! Stress and tiredness not only caused by physical exertion but also by simple lack of sleep and general worries of a material or personal nature.

So, what can we do to improve our chances of not catching these viruses in the first place?

The inescapable fact is that stress weakens your immunity and can reduce your ability to fight off winter illnesses. Therefore, we should look at those factors which can be changed, or things we can take to help raise our resistance.

  1. Don’t smoke.
  2. Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
  3. Exercise regularly. Get outside into nature. Go for a walk.
  4. Maintain a healthy weight.
  5. If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
  6. Get adequate sleep.
  7. Take Vitamin A, C, and E
    Helps to maintain the lining of the respiratory and digestive tract which acts as a barrier against infection
  8. Take Vitamin D & K2 (helps with the absorption of Vit D) – these are fat soluble and need to be taken with/in some olive oil. Works with T cells, a type of white blood cell that is key to the immune system’s ability to fight off infection and disease.

However, even with the best diet and a relatively stress-free life, we will, all of us, inevitably catch a cold or influenza.

Contact me if you are struggling with recurrent infections or suffering from a cold or flu.

To book an appointment, please click the button below

To get in touch with me, please visit my Contact Page

Homeopathy can help to alleviate these symptoms!

Homeopathy is powerful
Love to help!

Until next time…




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